martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008

Bound To Edina

(Versión n'asturianu)
In a Few hours I'm flying to Edina. I'm really anxious... four years have passed since I left Auld Reekie.....Apart from my pal's wedding, I'll have plenty of time to my beloved ale. 25 pints in 5 days is my challenge-only at my long awaited Halfway House, to taste the brand new cask ales from the Scottish Independents. Apart from that more pints will come in my pal's stag party- A Real Ale Pub Crawl I had the honour of collaborating in, a Visit to a couple of breweries, a tour within the Whisky Heritage-That relative of beer, I mean, an interview with the ale crafters from Stewart and a second go-this time on location, to the future of microbreweries in Britain. Brewdog. Loads of ale? maybe, but I bet that we'll missed some others more, that's life. See you in a week. Haya salud, amigos

Pic: Pint of Good Rich Ale at the Jolly Judge, Lawn Market, Edina.

P.S.- For further info on Scottish independent brewers followBuy Scottish Ales. Apart from that, Max, the beer philosopher, and his mates Evan Rail and Velky Al have made an interesting review in three about Brewdog's Punk IPA. Both links are higly recommended to be updated with Scottish beer scene.

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