jueves, 5 de junio de 2008


( Version n'asturianu)
100 is a round number and an amount that many times implies celebration.This is the post number 100 of this blog. It seems not very far since I've started posting my personal visions on beer, wine, food, and life in general. The best part of it? All the people I've met, exchaged points of view or have a passion in common with. On every corner of the world there's someone to talk about, to share ideas or to discuss about some aspects of our favourite drink. I've much enjoyed each comment i've received, each link I've visited and I've learned a lot with them. I'm really proud of saying that there's a whole interactive beer community really much interesting out there. To all of them I open the bottle my friends kindly gave me to celebrate such an event. Haya salud

2 comentarios:

Boak dijo...

And here's to you too!


Chela dijo...

Cheers Boak you all are a great inspiration!!!